That's what little boys are made of. . .

. . . is my valiant attempt at blogging about these THREE special little boys. hopefully, it will help our loved ones to keep up with us, and help me to remember these days that are flying by way to fast. enjoy!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Soccer Season 2009

Fall soccer has just finished up for the 2009 season. Here are the highlights!

This was Christians first year playing soccer(5U). Christian did well, but he tends to get distracted quiet easily, which is common for a 4 year old. Melissa ended up being the assistant coach this year which really helped keep Christian excited about the games . Christian had coach Steve this year - he is a very good coach and Melissa was able to help him out with organizing the 3-5 year olds, which can be quite challenging. Christian also figured out, with Melissa's help, that when other players have the ball that he should head over to the goal and wait for a pass. Christian scored his first two goals of his soccer career and we are super proud of him. Way to go!

Gabe had a very good season this year in 7U. He scored 4 goals for the year and really showed some great improvement over last year. He had a very talented coach (Joe) who really was focused on teaching the kids the fundamentals of the game. He wasn't concerned about winning but rather making sure the kids understood the basic skills that would grow with them through the years. I really respected that in him.

Gabe also started to understand position soccer and has gained some ball handling skills that he loves to tease his brother with. You could tell that in the first half of the year Gabe was really reluctant in games, but in the 2nd half of the season with some good coaching he was a new player. Now if Melissa and I could just keep quiet on the side's hard. This is the first year that we haven't been Gabe's coach, but I think it was good for him to learn from someone else besides Mom and Dad.

It was a fun year for all of us and we are excited about doing it again in the spring.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

good grief. . .

so we were off to take gabe to school yesterday morning (actually early, just for the record). we had gotten dressed, brushed teeth, eaten breakfast, fixed hair and all the other fun stuff that goes with getting two boys ready for the day. into the car we went. we always spend the morning ride to school going over AWANA verses for the following week, learning the books of the Bible, and praying. all of this took place yesterday morning as regularly scheduled (did i mention we were early!!). i was just about to pull into the school's car line when i hear gabe say from the back seat so matter of factly, "mom, we're going back home. i forgot my shoes." good grief!!

there are many ways that i could have reacted to this situation. i could have made him go in with just socks (not thinking that would have gone over well), i could have gotten upset and yelled at him. . .then i remembered that in the past week, i have turned around at least five times within five miles of our house to go back and get something i forgot. so. . . i cut him so slack, turned it around and came back home to find the shoes neatly placed right where they belong on the shelf. . . and the best part. . . we still made it to school on time. =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

September Beach Trip

A couple of weeks ago we had a chance to head to the beach for a long weekend. I know it may be cold where you are, but up until a week ago we have been enjoying temperatures in the 80's here in SC. We would have like to go longer but I am heading on a mission trip to Panama in November so vacation time is a little scarce this year.

This is really the first trip to the beach where both of the boys have been able to really enjoying playing in the water. We had a great time and can't wait to go back!

Can't believe how big the boys are getting...I am getting old!

Click here to watch the video