so every year. . . we leave the cookies out for santa. every year. . . santa fills the stockings on christmas morning. every year. . . santa leaves a note for the boys. and every year. . . the boys ask if santa is real. our response is always the same. "it's just a fun thing we pretend at Christmas." no other details. . . just plain and simple. . . we pretend. they have never asked any more questions.
well. . . yesterday when i picked christian (5 yrs old) up from preschool his teacher pulled me aside. she told me that christian had told the other kids at the lunch table that santa wasn't real. he said, "santa doesn't eat those cookies, your mom does." oops!!
needless to say, we had a little talk about keeping that to ourselves. here's hoping that good ole santa clause still visits the dewalk household this year!! =)