of the dewalk family has come and gone once again. hard to believe that 2009 is already here. i thought i would include some of the highlights of our year in this post to help us remember what a blessing the year 2008 was in the life our family.
winter 2008
--we sold our first house. it was an emotional month as we said goodbye to the only home that rick and i had known as a married couple. the house we brought our babies home to. the home that we made so many memories in. anyone who knows the story of how our house sold, knows that it was completely the Lord's timing and providence that directed us to make this giant step of faith.
--we started to build our new home. it was so fun picking and choosing all of the things that we wanted from the ground up. anyone who has lived in an older home and knows the work that goes into it would be as excited as we were to pick out everything from scratch. although a little overwhelming @ times, it was fun to shop and create a home that was "us". again, anyone who knows the story would also know that only the Lord could have led us to this house/builder/neighborhood. thank you, Lord!!
--we moved into an apartment for the "in between". while our house was being built, we found a reasonable apartment close to gabe's school. it certainly was a much different apartment experience than when we were first married. adding two kids. . .let's just say CRAZY!! thankfully it was only for a short while. . .there was so much to look forward to.
--another little niece joined the fam. love those little girls so much. katie bug. . .you were the perfect valentine!!
spring 2008
--rick and christian celebrated b-days. christian turned three this year and celebrated with a "mickey mouse" party.
--we made the move in may. the new house is more than we ever expected. i had so much fun decorating and making a new house our new home!!
--gabe finished his kindergarten year. his teachers mrs. perry and mrs. moore were such a blessing to us this year. he made some great friends, and although we were sad to leave mitchell road (b/c of the move)he had some great fun and learned so much!
summer 2008
--life this past summer was interesting. we were settling into the new house. one thing that we miss from the old neighborhood was the neighborhood pool. our new neighborhood doesn't have a pool. we were used to spending almost everyday swimming. we did find other things to fill our time. . .but we will be looking for another pool come next summer.
--fourth of july was spent in ohio with great grandpa and grandma. what a special treat that the boys have been able to know and love them as much as we do.
--another niece joins the bunch. allison vaughn has the cutest little chubby cheeks (a family trait). miss her and noah so much and hoping to bring jon and nichole home someday.
fall 2008
--gabe started school @ skyland elementary. i had a harder time this year sending him off to school. it was all so new. . .but he got through it much better than mom. first grade is serious business. he has learned so much already this school year. . .so proud.
--christian started k-3 with mrs. bagley. love her. she had gabe in k-3 also. christian is a different kid than gabe. i have to remind myself of that a couple of times a week when he has come home in a little trouble. not so much b/c he is disobedient, just all boy. . .that tends to get him in hot water sometimes. he's learning. . .and i'm learning to parent a little differently. hopefully we both get the hang of it soon.
--disney world was finally here!! we waited all summer for this. we pulled the kiddos out of school, and had the most amazing family vacation. we're ready to go back!!
--after a visit to the emergency room, rick successfully had his gallbladder removed and is doing much better these days.
--thanksgiving/christmas with the powell fam was a blast. we had to celebrate both @ thanksgiving while we were all home. fun. . .but tiring. we did split up the "work" this year and had each holiday @ a different family's house. that seemed to take a little of the pressure off of my parents. such fun.
--my b-day and gabe's were in early december. gabe celebrated with a sleepover. he and his buddies had a blast.
--santa came early to our house since we were in ohio for christmas. he brought new bikes and a wii. we have already gotten much use out of both. ohio brought alot of fun with rick's family. . .we love them each and every one.
so that was long, but that was it. God has been so good. as He moves us through 2009, our desire is to honor Him as much as He has blessed us. pray with us to that end.
This was a good idea. I like the update letter. Hey, next time you come all the way up to Ohio, let me know. Maybe we can meet somewhere in between?!
what a fun update! happy 2009, melissa!
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