That's what little boys are made of. . .

. . . is my valiant attempt at blogging about these THREE special little boys. hopefully, it will help our loved ones to keep up with us, and help me to remember these days that are flying by way to fast. enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

our littlest one. . .

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is not so little anymore. it is so hard to believe that it has been four years since that little one arrived. i remember that day so vividly. he wasn't as anxious to come out as his brother (my scheduled c-section got rescheduled three times b/c he wasn't ready)!
so today, i want to reflect on his year and the things i love about him. . .
**it's been fun to see you grow into a little boy this year. all the baby fat is gone except for those sweet cheeks. that is my favorite part of you! mommy is hoping that those stick around for a while longer.
**i can't believe that you started and finished K3. we are so grateful for mrs. bagley and all the things that she taught you this year. it was funny to see the end of the school year slideshow. let's just say that it was no secret who the class clown was! you love attention. . .you get that from your mom!
**your love for your brother grows more and more every year. it's been fun to watch you learn to play together. . .although you have also learned how to jump on each other's last nerve this year (and mom's too) =). i hope that you two will continue to be best friends as you grow.
**i love that your love language is physical touch. i love that you need a hug even in the middle of the night when your half asleep when i come to cover you up one last time. i love that you need a hug first then a butterfly kiss, an eskimo kiss, and a regular kiss each night before bed. i love that you will always stop whatever you are doing to give me a hug. i love that you'll sit on my lap and snuggle when i need a good snuggle. i love that you save most of all of those things for your momma! let's hope it stays that way for a long time!!
**it makes us so glad that you are learning more and more about Jesus and how he rescued you so long ago. we know that you don't understand the extent of how much he loves you. . .we don't understand that either. but, our prayer for you is that your love for Him and your desire to please him continue to grow right along with you.
christian, we are so blessed by you. you make us laugh constantly, learn daily, and love lavishly. have a great day!
mom and dad


Mary Beth said...

happy birthday, sweet boy!! i love you!!

Hannah said...

Melissa - He looks JUST LIKE YOU!!! How beautiful!!! I started following you...I am just now getting into the blogging world....can't wait to keep up with you!!!

Sarah said...

What a sweet reflection!! Your boys are both going to love being able to look back at the words you both have written about them! Happy Belated Birthday, Christian (what else would you expect from Sarah?? =) )!!