That's what little boys are made of. . .

. . . is my valiant attempt at blogging about these THREE special little boys. hopefully, it will help our loved ones to keep up with us, and help me to remember these days that are flying by way to fast. enjoy!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

unbelievable. . .

it is unbelievable that it has been eight years. . .

it is unbelievable how much you have changed. . .

it is unbelievable that you are so healthy and strong. . .

it is unbelievable that God chose you for us. . .

it is unbelievable that despite all of our shortcomings as parents, you are such a sweet and obedient little boy. . .

it is unbelievable that you are in the second grade. . .

it is unbelievable that God chose to rescue you. . .

is is unbelievable how much we love you!!

happy birthday, gabriel william! you're unbelievable!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

very sweet, Lissa! Happy Belated Birthday Gabe! =) Time goes by WAY to fast...